Sunday, March 23, 2008

Kerala Elephants

Luxurious bath-Shot from Kuttanadu
In Hindu culture Elephants have a relevant position. According to Hindus elephant is incarnation of Ganapathy 'the elephant headed god'. Our epics have a lot of stories about this wonderful animal. These animals make our festivities more colorful and attractive in such a way elephants have become an integral part of our life. Elephant is a wild animal and not a pet. We may love this animal but don't rely them. The relation between the human and elephant had started prehistorically. Elephants are considered as a symbol of the wealth of the family. Nowadays people became more craze about these animals.Elephant is earth's largest land animal. The huge size of the body and the slow movements make these pachyderms more magnificent but beyond this external appearance elephant is a sensitive animals with feelings like we do. The word elephant arises a nostalgic feeling of imagination and childish curiosity in us. Many people who became enthralled by the presence of the majestic view of this huge animal are not aware of the trauma they undergo under captivity. we have to know a lot about this animal which makes them more attractive and more lovable.

Kolambi poo Yellow beauties Poovarasu Kadalavanakku

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